Gareth lives in make-believe worlds somewhere in the dark spaces between science fiction, horror and fantasy. There he talks with imaginary friends and survives on a diet of tea, scones and the finest curries available to humanity.

His first novel – Fogbound: Empire in Flames – launched on Amazon on 8th Aug 2019 where it rose to become a bestseller in the Steampunk Genre.

Hailing from Huddersfield, in the UK, he enjoys all forms of Speculative fiction. His current project is a series of Horror Western novella’s due for release in 2020.

His current project is a series of bestselling Dark Fantasy / Horror Western novella’s – Chronicles of the Fallen.

When he’s not writing, Gareth enjoys Tabletop RPGs and RPG Console gaming.

Discover more about Gareth and his writing:

Books by Gareth Clegg