Twisted Fate Publishing’s 2021 Charity Anthology
Light: out of the Darkness
We aim to run competitions as calls for submissions to produce anthologies from the very best of the entries. Each competition is typically attached to one or more charity which receives the profits.
Our very first anthology, which was by invite only, supported mental health charities and continues to donate 100% of its proceeds – and we’re extremely proud of that.
TFP’s 2020 Anthology: Darkness
In our anthologies, we publish the best of our shortlisted submissions but may also include invited contributions from established writers.
Anthologies like ours are a great way for new talent to be spotted, and several of our anthology writers have published full length novels.
Light: Out of the Darkness
For our 2021 charity anthology, we are coming out of the Darkness and looking for contributions around the theme of Light.
We’re looking for twisted stories that you can muster on the theme of Light – taken any way you please but typically within the very broad genre of speculative fiction. Although there is no hard upper limit, the sweet spot is around 2000 words and the minimum is 1000 for your prose entries.
We will also happily accept poetry as well as prose, for which there is no lower limit.
The anthology will donate 100% of its proceeds to mental health charities and the top entry will receive prime placement in the anthology. The best of the shortlist will also be published – all published authors will get an opportunity to provide a short bio which will appear after accepted entries.
Submissions are now closed for the Light Anthology.
We are starting to check through all the entries to produce our shortlist for publication.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to send their work through to us, it is much appreciated.